Motivations et préparation au voyage

Nos élèves de la section Euro anglais

Publié le : 2 novembre 2017
Rubrique(s) : LEGTA

Quelques réponses à la question sur les motivations de nos élèves pour intégrer cette section.

Why did you join a European Section?

We joined a European Section to have a better expression in English. Coline et Paul

I joined the European section to improve my English, particularly my oral pronunciation because I need to work on my accent. Later I would like to work in sciences so I need to speak English. And it’s very good to speak English to travel all over the world because English is one of the most spoken language in the world.

If I went into a European section, it’s to have the European distinction at the BAC and speak better English, just talk and learn about English people.

I decided to register in the European Section in order to progress in English and improve my accent and my vocabulary.

I wish to be part of a European section to improve my English and to have the European distinction on my BAC diploma.

Being in a European section, I’ve discovered my interest in the English world while learning it mostly thanks to the social networks. I want to improve my language skills and have the European distinction.

I follow the European section to improve my english and to be more peaceful and comfortable when speaking.

I entered the European Section to improve my English and to be less shy. Julie

I’ve decided to begin the european section because I love to spend my time speaking English, and I want to progress in this language.

I am in a European Section to improve my English and discover other people in the world. I think the European section is a very good opportunity for that. Diane

Quelques réponses quand à leurs attentes et craintes liées à ce voyage.

Question 1 : What are your expectations and apprehensions when going abroad?

I expect to discover a new culture, to meet new people with different points of view on life than me. I’m afraid not to be able to communicate efficiently with my penpal because we don’t speak the same language. I’m afraid to be very different from my correspondent and not to find subjects to talk with her.

I expect to discover a new country and meet a lot of people. My apprehension is to be too different from my penpal.

My only apprehension is to go into a family who will be strangers for me and how to communicate and what about with them.
Amadi Diack

The apprehension is to be misunderstood or to be able to communicate.
Coline et Paul

I expect that the trip can be a moment when I will discover a new country and when I will participate to the Swedish life for a few day. Swedish life is different from ours so it’s interesting to be able to participate in it. It will be my first flight so I look forward to it.

I expect to discover new landscapes and I’m afraid because we speak a different language.

I’m kind of shy when it comes to meet other people. While trying to appear as welcoming and kind as possible, I fear that I’ll appear a bit weird. I also have much more facilities to write in English than to talk, so I fear that I won’t have much to say to my correspondent on the first day. I expect to discover another way of living and make friends with our swedish pals.I I expect to discover new culture and new people. My apprehension is the airplane.

I really expect to discover and see new fabulous landscapes, and try to live in this kind of climate. But I don’t have any apprehension. Axelle

Quelques pistes d’activités, spécialités, lieux que nos élèves aimeraient faire découvrir à leurs correspondants suédois, lors de leur visite en France

Question 2 : What are the activities, dishes, places,… you would like your foreign friend to discover in France ?

We believe the best place to visit is Paris only it’s very far from Perpignan.
Coline and Paul

I’d like her to eat the catalan dishes. She’ll come with me to see some rugby matches like USAP and/or dragon Catalan. I’d like her to sing some French song
I’m always afraid not to present as many activities to the Swedish girl as she might expect. However I’d like her to discover my city, which is beautiful, by going hiking in the mountains, eating pizzas on the beach, visiting museums, visiting other cities like Collioure and such. I’d also like my e-friend to discover some catalan dishes. I would like to share with Berfin (my foreign friend) our country, and our beautiful and interesting resources.

I think we can show to the swedish students the city of Perpignan, the historical center (the coffees too).

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2 novembre 2017

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